摘自《黎明、黄咏贤画选》第一辑 2000年
The swan gooses and peacocks depicted by Lai Ming in his early age are not only vivid and delicate but also fresh and lively. His works are prestigious even till now, which demonstrates that he is innovative while following the painting concept of Gao Jianfu. If his depicting method at that time was the style of New Song School, it is certain that his works of recent years, especially the works of peacock from 1997 to 1998, show his unique personal style in art. In fact, for Lai Ming, a Chinese artist, the realism is meaningless. He needs to catch the dynamic characteristics to create his unique visual world which is full of images of feelings and reflections of mind. The eagle he depicted has a special verve as well. Spreading their strong wings and flying in the boundless sky, the eagles seem to have the power to dominate the wind and the beauty of elegance and agility, making people delighted. When people expand their knowledge in some field, the pursuit and exploration of beauty in that field correspondently emerge. It seems that Lai Ming is obviously aware of this. Visiting the great mountains throughout the world in 1980s, his landscape paintings, especially the western landscape paintings depicted in Chinese style, have outgrown the traditional model of Gao Jianfu and are characterized by the innovation and uniqueness, keeping up with the times.
Dr. Chen Jichun•Scholar of the Macau art history
Paintings Selection of Lai Ming and Huang Yongxian, volume 1, 2000
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